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Can anything part us from Christ's love?
Can anything part us from Christ's love?
by Michael Docker
Can anything part us from Christ's love? Can danger, nakedness or sword? Affliction, hardship, persecution, hunger, The daily doing to death told by the Word. The suffering for the sake of others; The fate of sheep uniquely ours Who walk with Christ through the world's condemnati
The Monastery Of The Heart - 17 Hospitality
The Monastery Of The Heart - 17 Hospitality
by SPCK - Joan Chittister
Hospitality “Once guests have been announced, meet them with all the courtesy of love.” It is possible, of course, to make community out of “our kind of people,” out of people who look like us and think like us and have the same backgrounds we do… Taken from The Monastery Of The
Great Christian Thinkers - 46 Symeon The New Theologian
Great Christian Thinkers - 46 Symeon The New Theologian
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
Symeon The New Theologian Also bearing reflection from this period is an Eastern monk, Symeon the New Theologian, whose writings have had a notable influence on the theology and spirituality of the East, in particular with regard to the experience of mystical union with God… Take
Great Christian Thinkers - 22 Aphraates, “The Sage”
Great Christian Thinkers - 22 Aphraates, “The Sage”
by SPCK - Pope Benedict XVI
Aphraates, “The Sage” In our excursion into the world of the Fathers of the Church, I guide you today to a little-known part of this universe of faith, in the territories where the Semitic-language churches flourished, still uninfluenced by Greek thought… Taken from Great Christi
Come now and follow me
Come now and follow me
by Avis Palmer
Come now and follow me, To us Christ's words are spoken. He calls each one by name; By Love our hearts are woken. We're asked to walk with faith A path we cannot tell; And well shall all things be, And all things shall be well. Verses 2-3 follow © Avis Palmer Tune Nun danket (H&P
Reflection: Are You the One?
Reflection: Are You the One?
by Isabel Smears
REFLECTION FOR ADVENT 3 YEAR A John the Baptist reflects while in prison. 'Are you the One?' he wants to ask Jesus Are You the One? John the Baptist asked, ‘Are you the One? Are you the One who was to come? Or should we be looking for someone else?’ I thought I knew; When he came
Letters by a MODERN MYSTIC - The letters 28 September 1931